
Pixosite is the Best Custom Web Development and Design Agency in Louisville, KY. When made professionally, your website will not only provide information about your business, but also attract and convert business. The backend and front end of your website are equally important. Your page layout and content determines your discoverability in major web searches. This makes it imperative for you to take your business beyond a DIY template and let experienced professionals create web solutions that will pay for themselves.


What is the Developement Stage?

During the development stage, the website is built to maintain the essence of the website’s purpose. All the graphic elements are taken into consideration in order to generate a functional website.

The home page is developed first, followed by the interior pages. The navigational structure is the primary focus for development.

The content management system, interactive contact forms, and "shopping carts" are made functional during this development step. At this stage, the web design and development team suggest changes for client consideration.

A successful website needs expert front end and back end development. Valid HTML/CSS codes are compiled per web standards to enhance the functionality for a larger audience.

Let’s Get Started Your Project Now
